Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 8, 2016 - I Surrender

New meeting with a new group.  These folks were a teent-tiny but out of my way, but as U have said, any meeting is a good meeting,

Stef and I went looking for this church this past weekend, and we were only off by about a block or two!  Curse you phone MapQuest, or whatever it is called on her uber modern phone.  LOL.

ANYHOOTS... a simply nice group of people.  We didn't have to break up into individual groups, so that part was nice.

Today's topic was 'The Victory of Surrender"... I liked this topic. 

If I am alone, there is nothing I can achieve on my own... BUT... with the support of my dearest wife and the friends I have made around the tables... there is NOTHING I CANNOT ACHIEVE!!!  Man, that was a kick in the pants.  And a good one, too.

I have a loving wife who is trying her hardest to support me.  I have a helpful counselor, who is doing wonders for my self-esteem.  And I have me.  Someone fighting so very hard to make it all work. 

Yes.  I surrender.  I surrender to all that stupid junk that came before this... but you know what... never again.  I gained that from today's meeting. 

One day at a time.

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