Monday, March 28, 2016

Weekend Recap & Learning Someting New

Saturday's meeting was a mixed bag.  The general consensus was dealing with folks in your lives you don't ever want to... but have to...  I heard some horrific stuff Saturday... none of which I really ought to share here for privacy reasons.

Sunday was another abbreviated day, but the "good ol' boy" as he himself referred to himself as had a very interesting story to tell.  Stef may have understood him better than I did on several occasions, but only due to that Southern accent of his.  Still and all, a great story, and a very nice gathering of Sponsor/Sponsoree.  I got to hang with my new one before and shortl after Saturday's meeting.

I am officially hammed out.  I made a brown sugar ham for the holiday and my neighbor smoked some ham and salmon.  (Of which we received both.)  I have to admit I liked the smoked ham a bit more, but then, I liked smoked meat... and that will roll into a conversation in a moment...

Tegan T. Dog... however... is NOT officially hammed out.  She adored it all.  Bless her fuzzy little heart.

So, I had a comment to make to keep this blog current... today (Monday) we had to deal with a SUPREMELY ABBREVIATED cast o' characters.  There were only five of us for a good portion of the morning.  One of the newbies checked in a bit later, and got grilled for it from Iggy's boss. 


General conversation started off with how everyone's holiday weekend went, which was fine as we here had a lovely quiet weekend.  The conversation took an odd turn when it shifted over to triggers.  Now, in AA, we don't often speak about triggers, but in Recovery, it seems that's all that Iggy talks about. 

People spending time with family/friends/etc.... were there triggers?  Yes.  Were there for me?  No not so much, because to be honest, I've not been thinking about it.  Parts of the conversation shifted over to grocery shopping and having to deal with walking by any booze aisles, and how we cope with it.  "P" said he enjoys walking through them and reminiscing about what he bought and they sales on his favorite items... I went in a different direction and said that I treat it like a strip club... you can look but not touch... because if you do touch, you have to deal with the ramifications/consequences of that choice.  Iggy like that comparison.

I'm hoping for a better turn-out tomorrow... as the excuses for today were very valid.  We were missing quite a few people. 

I also stand by my "look but don't touch" policy.  It's been working well thus far!

OH!  And as for the learning something new portion:  I will never EVER look or smell vinegar the same way again as "M" (the current highest ranking heroin addict in Group mentioned... that's how you judge the best grade of heroin.  Either in powder form or cooked form, it will always smell of vinegar if it is of the utmost quality... I had to pull him aside after our session toask if that was actually true, as that is not my addiction of choice... I never (THANKFULLY!!!) knew that... but it will make cleaning out sinks or making marinades a little odd from this point forward.)

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