Friday, March 18, 2016

Son Of a Bitch Everything's Real

The title comes from one of the heroin addicts at my daily session.  It's an acronym for SOBER.  It obviously relates to the falsehood of our addicted lives and the reality of our sober lives.

Thursday's session was an odd one.  We lost another member.  He was there for the early portion of the morning, but was suddenly missing when the first five minute break was over.  He was constantly talking over the other members and even talking over our counselor "I". 

The general topic was a bit confusing, as none of us were exactly sure what "I" was fishing for.  None of our responses seemed to appease him in any way.  It was just odd.

Wednesday's session dealt with Internal and External Motivators.  My internal motivators are the building blocks of my sober life, and my external motivators are my wife/friends/fellow AA members etc..  It is my job to properly balance the two.

I have homework for Monday's meeting and I am ready for that session.  I have meetings tomorrow and Sunday.  So, things are pretty booked.  I'm also looking forward to having some folks over tomorrow for a nice St. Patrick's Day meal.  Should be fun.

One day at a time, which is strangely enough, the topic of today's thought of the day:

"Yesterday is gone, forget it; tomorrow never comes, don't worry; today is here, get busy."  All we have is the present.  The past is gone forever and the future never comes.  When tomorrow gets here, it will be today.  Am I living one day at a time?"

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