Monday, March 7, 2016

March 7, 2016 - Now THAT'S More Like It

Ah, what a difference a weekend makes! 

I had a fantastic meeting earlier today.  It was another session about our willingness to give up pride and self-will.  I broke up into an exceptional group of folks who had the same (more or less) experiences as myself... and we got to talk through them. 

I do think I've noticed that I am less full of myself these days and willing to accept my own faults.

What really sent this day into the good zone was the meeting with my counselor / therapist Janice.  We had a lovely conversation today.  Even she said that I looked better from last week.  :-)  I'm quite pleased by that bit of information.  I feel better than last week.

We talked about my past week.  (DUH!)  My meetings.  My potential upcoming gig.  (Left another message on that one!)  And, well, pretty much everything else that was on my mind obviously.  She's pleased with the blog.  She's pleased some of you are reading it.  And, she thinks it's an honest/safe way of getting my thoughts out to the world without reverting to the booze.  I agreed.

I voiced my displeasure with the past two meetings, but she did say that it will happen from time to time.  There's nothing I can do about it.  She also acknowledged the fact that our topic was so extremely open-ended... no wonder it turned into a "who-could-beat-whom-judgmental-spotting-contest."

That was but a brief moment of our time together.  It was a good meeting.  No, a really great meeting.  The Boomtown Rats may have once sang, "I Don't Like Mondays." but I do.  I like this new group I found and I adore my time with Janice on Mondays.  I feel 100% better having attended.

To clip a small portion of today's reflection:  "With the key of willingness, my worries and fears are powerfully transformed into serenity."

I can smile and be serene today.  Tomorrow... who can say... right, guys?!  ;-)

Just kidding.  One day at a time.  Just happen to be having a really good day and wanted to gloat about it.  (Counselor/Therapist's orders!!)  So much for doctor / patient confidentiality, eh?  LOL.

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