Saturday, February 6, 2016

Crackin' Toast Gromit - A Rant

Yesterday (Friday) my brother went to go pick up his pretend daughter and take her to Disney on Ice.  Fair enough... whatever floats their boat.  I asked if she was staying the weekend and when I heard that she was I started hiding cans of Diet Dr. Pepper.  I've gone from hiding cans of beer to hiding cans of Diet Dr. Pepper.  I felt bad doing it, but I only just bought the twelve pack yesterday.  I hobbled over to the 7-11 after my meeting and wasn't about to watch another batch disappear.

When I got home, Grumblor decided he wanted one of his Boston Market Meat Loaf dinners, as its one of the few things he can eat without his teeth.  But that's not the point of this post.  My mother came home from work not long after that and noticed that he was already eating, so she opted not to make dinner as she wasn't in the mood to cook.  So, her dinner of choice?


She:  Vant zum toast?
Me:  Um, no thanks.  I'm fine.

She starts with a single piece of bread and she keeps ejecting the piece of bread every few seconds to check on doneness.  I'm assuming, much like everything else in this place, it no longer works properly.  Once she was satisfied she said:

She:  I've got butter.
Me:  Honestly, I'm fine.

After a brief search of the fridge she follows up with:

She:  Look!  I have jelly, too.

When I turned it down again, she just went downstairs to watch The Young and the Restless.  I gave her some quiet time for that and then went downstairs,  She then switched over to PBS to watch Check, Please.  She has a notepad next to her chair.  She writes down the names and addresses of restaurants you just know she's not ever going to visit.  She claims it's for possible sites to take work clients.  Whatever.

Around 7:30 or so, Grumblor demanded cheeseburgers.  So we ended up going out to Wendy's.  I really wasn't hungry any more by this point, but I was forced to order something, so I chose a small burger from their $1.00 menu.  Again, whatever.  I can't win either way.  I'm either told I'm too fat or I don't eat anything... which do you want?!

She started getting worried about Grunty and the kid's whereabouts as it was rapidly approaching 10:30.  I admit that I found it weird, too.  I can't imagine Disney on Ice running that late into the evening.  When they finally returned home, Grunty was already yelling at her as they entered the house.  Now, I'm no father but I'm pretty sure you don't call a child a f-ing bitch to her face.  They apparently went to Taco Bell, so he practuically flung a taco or two at her and went into his room.  The usual grunting ensued.

Their argument carried over into his room and she started crying.  I think she stopped around 1AM.  I've  been up since 4:45AM.  I was going to  stay up and type all this then, but when I went to the bathroom, there was Grumblor still lip-reading YouTube and hacking up a lung.  I just went back into the sauna and read for the most part.

Around 7:20, I came out here to the kitchen and was pleased to see that Grumblor had finally shut off the computer, but he immediately came over when I turned on Grunty's laptop.  Grunty woke up not long after and whatever happened to start their argument continued... he's demanding an apology.  He's off to take her to piano lessons and her math tutor soon, so they will be out of the house,

As for me, I'll be hitting the shower and seeing about hitting an earlier meeting... who knows... maybe I can hit too if there's a decent schedule in store for today.

I'll stop ranting now.  I'm just tired, I guess.  Gee, I wonder why that is?!  I'll do a real post some time later today... I'm sure there will be things to discuss.

Oh, and thanks to some of you out there checking out the blog.  I can see on the tail-end of things that I've  been getting hits from the same people in several different states. 

As the Talking Toaster said in the hit BBC comedy "Red Dwarf".... "Anyone want some toast?"

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