Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday - February 28, 2016 - Leap Weekend Posting

Sorry for the delay... yet once again this strange new version of Blogger is giving me issues!

Saturday was a very nice meeting.  My neighbor drove.  We hit the ethnic market on the way there so he could get his wife's fruit fix.  We went to a very raucous predominantly male meeting.  Neighbor "J" asked if I wanted to switch teams with his sponsor... I opted to give my current Sponsor another go.  (You can't judge someone on a single week!)

Saturday... doing things for other people was the topic... it's strangely been appropriate this week... let go of yourself and be nice/helpful to others.  I am, and I mean this in all possible sincerity... I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about other people!!! 

Sunday's meeting.   Our dearest, most darling American Eskimo needed to go to a pre-determined vet visit.  I offered numerous times this morning to not attend my meeting and help the only two things that matter in my life... my wife and my fur child... Stef thought otherwise.

While I would love to say it was the single most greatest meeting, it wasn't.  Yes, let's allow someone who is shy and not comfortable speaking in front of a crowd...well... speak.  Wow!  That was rough. 

For those of you lovely people that visit here may or may not know... I have a degree in Communications.  I have been (in a few previous lives) on the air.  I'm comfortable with speaking in front of a crowd.  I caught someone in another frame of mind.  Verbs would've been helpful.  '

I got to speak at length my sponsor.  As we were speaking, another sponsoree of his approached and said, "I'll call you at 8:30 tonight."  My sponsor told me afterwards to call him at 8:45. 

Said I... "You're standing right in front of me.  Let's just talk now.  He seems like he needs more assistance than I do today."  (More or less quoted as I said it.)

My sponsor smiled at me and said... "You are doing well, aren't you?"

Hope so!

Walkers or Oscars tonight?!?!  Hmmmm... we know it's going to be Walkers... as something HUGE has got to be impending going up against the Oscars tonight!  ;-)


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