Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Monday - February 1, 2016 - One Good Meeting. One Bad Meeting.

I'm typing this the day after the fact, as I didn't have access to a computer.  I had a very good second meeting with my counselor Janice yesterday.  We briefly went over some of the initial topics we discussed last week before moving on to how things are today.

Still sober, so that's a great thing. 

She asked what I was doing for myself lately and I replied "You mean apart from not drinking and going to meetings daily?"  She said yes.  What am I doing for myself?  What things make me happy?  I told her that's a double edged sword at the present time.  I told her I love to cook, but considering all that's  been going down around here the past couple of days, I see no reason to do it.

She asked about Stef and whether or not we'd been in contact with one another.  I said only through text messages.  Janice suggested I offer to cook for her for Valentine's Day... but then I pointed out that THAT particular suggestion was problematic.  That would involve me going back home... and I don't think Stef wants me back there any time soon.  Also, it wouldn't be fair to tease Tegan like that... showing up for one evening and then disappearing again.  So, I'm at a loss. 

Janice had a question for Stef and I offered her number so she could ask her herself, but all she wanted to know was the timeframe involved in this separation.  I told Janice I certainly couldn't ask Stef that question as it would sound like it were coming from me and not someone else.  So, again, Jim's at a loss.

So, what am I doing for myself.  The same.  Remaining sober and going to meetings daily.  I will ATTEMPT to cook something for them... and have that fall flat on my face when Grumblor finds he can't or won't eat it.  SIGH.

I know it's the beginning of a new month and the leadership role over at AA changes hands... but I don't think the guy running last night's meeting knew what he was doing.  Hell, he pretty much said so himself.  He went through the basic preamble stuff.  I volunteered to read the Thought/Meditation and Prayer for the Day.  That's been about the third time or so that I've done it.  I will probably offer to do it again later this afternoon (Tuesday) when I go to the next meeting.

ANYWAY... the guy used the moment for topic selection to go off on some bizarre tangent about the episode of road rage he experienced on the way into the meeting, and that was the topic we were supposed to discuss when we broke up into separate groups.  We all just kind of looked at one another with a WTF look on our faces?  We tried to narrow it down to some sort of semblance of an AA related topic, but nothing came out of it.  We just shared a brief story and that was about it.  We stood up and did the prayer and went about our way.  It seems that was happening at the other tables, too.

So that was probably the worst AA meeting I've ever been to.  It can only get better from here.

Got home after my meeting and was told by Grumblor that there were cheese sticks on  the stove.  I lifted the lid and there was the tiniest sliver of cheese stick left and he's sitting there with that self-serving smug smirk on his face.  Oooooh, you got me, Grumblor!  (Then he complains that I don't eat.)  SIGH.  I took a photo of it.  I have no idea how to upload it from the phone onto this blog... as it should remain online in perpetuity. 

One day at a time, indeed Jim!  One day at a time!

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