Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday - February 21, 2016 - One Month! Open Meeting and a Sponsor!

Today marked one month of sobriety and while I commented yesterday that I would mention that fact at today's meeting, I opted out.  No real reason, I guess.  I have other things to occupy my mind and a little anniversary number like that, while impressive for me, can wait till it's clocked up a few more digits.

Stef went with me, which is always appreciated.  She's allowed into those meeting as family members are encouraged to attend.  The guest speaker did a fantastic job, but then he's apparently a minister, so he was used to speaking in front of a large group.  It showed.  Two particular stories within the many he told I liked.

1.  Earlier this morning I made what's becoming one of my signature dishes.  Peasant Pasta.  (Chicken, Sausage, Pancetta, garlic, cannellini beans and escarole.  I took some over to my neighbor's house as a showing of thanks for taking me to his "home' meeting yesterday.  I told 'J' that I enjoy Open Meetings as it's interesting to hear other people's stories.  I said to 'J' that while I often feel down with my past behavior... at least I never ever rolled a car during my drinking.

2.  The other story I could definitely relate with!  The pastor mentioned that he was visiting his mother in Florida when he opened up about his alcoholism and was meant with the response... I'm paraphrasing here... "That's nice, dear.  Do you want a daiquiri?"  LOL.  I relate to that bit as I spent my first day in exile/separation with my own mother and she asked me if I wanted a glass of wine."  LOL.

BIG NEWS!  I spoke with someone at the meeting this morning, a gentleman I've seen at several other closed meetings as well as usually sitting next to him on Sundays.  As he's previously spoken at the open meeting, I know he has had time in the program and has sponsored others.  I asked if he were accepting new people and he said yes.  He said to call him at 8:30PM this evening, which I did a little over an hour ago.

I have my first assignment.  I have to do my prayers and have my quiet time... then I am to write 10 or more things that I am grateful for in my life.  He said that's what his sponsor started him off with and that's what he'd like me to start working on... Gratitude.  So I will come up with a list and call him again tomorrow to discuss what I came up with.

My blog post tomorrow will probably be around the same time as this evening... FYI... as I will be attending a meeting tomorrow... possibly two if I can swing it... and then I have some phone calls to make personally.  So, for tomorrow's post, it will be later.  I get the impression I do not have to called "Sponsor J" daily, but if that changes, I will make sure an alert is posted as well.

Overall, a very good day.  I got to attend a better than average meeting.  I got to cook in my own kitchen, dirty my own pans, and do what I like to do best... cook for my wife and other people.  I also scored a sponsor!

Yay me!  :-)   

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