Monday, February 22, 2016

February 22, 2016 - One Day At A Tine... I GOT THIS!

Sorry for an unnecessary delay...

I had a FANTASTIC very early morning meeting today!  I may/may have not been the catalyst for the topic, which was one day at time.

I can relate to one day at a time, as I just did it.. for nearly a month... but I am not harping on an old subject.

One day at a time.... that's what I do right now... and will continue to do...

I am MORE THAN CHEESED that my new sponsor was unavailable via phone this evening.(despite his personal request to call).. and you exist only because I am apparently uber-sensitive...

STILL... is this new the new paradigm???  If so... I KNEW I should have looked elsewhere. {INSERT RANT HERE!!!!}

There aren't enough world's smallest violins playing for me.

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