Thursday, February 4, 2016

Mr. Sandman... ANOTHER ADDITION!!!


Another addition to my dream catcher list!!!

I was practically ORDERED to make my brother and his girlfriend dinner tonight, as my mother couldn't be bothered to do it... far more important to watch The Young and the Restless apparently.  (ALTHOUGH... interesting to see former GH stars doing better acting!)

ANYWAY... I opened the pantry to grab any sort of seasoning... as she "forgot" to buy appropriate amounts of... oh, I don't know... FAJITA SEASONING on her way home.  One tiny Walmart packet isn't going to cover the amount of chicken she bought. 

The seasoning I grabbed DIED IN 1999!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm not kidding!  There
s no mistaking the date stamp and copyright stamp on the package.  So, my brother and his girlfriend get to eat whatever the "F" has been prepared for them tonight.  Bon chance guys!  I'm not touching that stuff!!

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