Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday - February 25, 2016 - Doing What I Do.

I attended a meeting earlier today... and as some weird trick of  the universe would have it, I was the final component of men to create a 1st Step Group for a new/first time attendee.  (You need at least three of us to comment... especially for someone participating in their very first ever AA meeting.)

Oh my stars... I SINCERELY HOPE we didn't scare him away.  Like the other guys there, I did the Cliffnotes(tm) version of my story.  You then hear the other person's tale... and hope beyond hope they will come back.  I personally found it odd telling someone slightly older than myself how to cope with their drinking.  Tear it down to its core and it's the same story... but it was his story...  and I am in no position to judge /comment.

I have about an hour before I need to call my sponsor.  We'll see where that goes.

OH!!!  "L" in West Virginia...  please read your email!!!  I meant what I said (and as you will read)... Yes... if you are extremely fortunate enough... she will find forgiveness in her heart.  One day at a time amigo!  Yeah, I thought that was B.S. too... until it started working for me.  Patience in the interim... if I can figure out that whole Youtube thingie... I'm going  to have one funky channel... part AA/part cooking... LOL.

Doing what I do?  Helping other people. That's what I do.  I can only hope I do it well.

P.S.  Still cooking... but so very close to a final dish.  ;-)

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