Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday - February 24, 2016 - Skin Is In

I MISS OLD BLOGGER!!!!  I have to try and recreate an entire post because I paused and went to the bathroom... only to lose everything I typed.

So here goes... TAKE TWO! 

I had a good meeting earlier today.  The weather wasn't the greatest... but it was still a good meeting.  It was mostly an elderly group, but one woman came up with the topic of "Are you comfortable in your own skin?"


Closed meetings are precisely that... closed.  So, I won't / can't go into specifics of what the others had to say... all I can comment on is what I said...  which was...

Am I comfortable?  Not yet.  I am a work in progress.  I shared that with Stef tonight.  I am only as good as I was when I woke up this morning... and given that I haven't had a drink... that's a better Jim that previously existing.  Again, a work in progress.  (As Matt Smith said in his very first outing as my favorite TV character... "Early days.  I'm still cooking.")  Yeah, I am... but I'm kinda/sorta liking this new direction/recipe is leaning towards.

Spoke with my sponsor earlier, and as if trying to come up with a first ten things to be grateful for wasn't hard enough... I have to come up with an additional ten!  I asked Tegan if she could be reasons 1 through 8 for the new list, but all she wanted was a cookie (which she got)... but it's hard.  I'm not good at thinking about me.  That's not my gig/job/whatever.  What else is there?  I made the initial list and went a step further by explaining each and every bit of gratefulness... what else is there? 

I have an issue that I am not sure how to address.  I do not like being talked over.  (I grant complete and total amnesty to my wife and my therapist in that realm!)  But, I do not like being talked over during normal conversation... I am getting that from my sponsor.  IT'S A LITTLE THING, I KNOW!!!  But here's an idea... don't ask me a <censored> question and then not even let me <censored> respond.  Again, again, again... little things.  They're all the same little things that keep making me angry... which I am working on.  I will stop ranting.


Work in progress. (CHECK.)
Still cooking.  (CHECK)
Still <censored> sober!  BONUS POINTS!  (SUPER CHECK!)  :)

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