Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday - February 17, 2016 - How It Works Meeting

Lovely weather.  Lovely meeting.  With the temperatures today, wearing the Blackhawks jacket and a sweatshirt was probably not the best idea... but it was nice to feel some warmth today.  Tomorrow and the day after ought to be fun as well, considering we'll be at nearly 50 degrees.

It was sort of "double" How it Works today.  I read that document at the beginning of the meeting and the meeting itself was on the same topic.  We had to share bits of our stories with one another.  In How It Works, we discuss what we were like prior to attending meetings and what we are like now.

If my math is indeed correct, tomorrow will mark one month clean and sober.  Looking forward to sharing that with the group.  It feels better this time around.  So, I am not going to complain.

Review on the Thought for Today:

"Understanding is the key to right principles and attitudes, and right action is the key to good living."

I can relate to that thought.  I understand the new principles and attitudes I have undertaken in my life.  Is it good living?  That's a work in progress.  A continuous work in progress.

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