Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday - February 4, 2016 - Step 7 and Who Let the Dog In?

Today's meeting was a 12&12 meeting.  Step 7 and Tradition 7.  The Step qualifies for me, but the tradition was more for AA as a whole and didn't come into our conversation.  Tradition 7 deals with the AA group being self-supporting. 

There were only five people in attendance and one VERY LONG in the snout Chocolate Lab named Cappucinna.  Sweet pooch belonging to the hippie that served as the moderator today.  I once again did the daily 24 reading for today and that didn't really apply to me either as I never really took any friends out drinking, which is what the Thought of the Day was about.  Ruining other people's sobriety and encouraging their alcoholism.  I don't think I ever did anything like that to the best of my knowledge.

Step 7:
"Humbly asked Him (God) to remove our shortcomings."

We all took turns reading the full chapter pertaining to this Step and the gist of the conversation was that of humility.  Oddly enough, I was only just speaking to Janice the other day about this entire Step.  We're both of the opinion that I'm doing well on the humility aspect of my life... but it also sort of contradicts what she suggested about me making time for myself.

How does one stay humble AND do things for one's self?  A question I suppose I will have to ask her on Monday... provided that's the day we are meeting.  I need to call her again and leave another message.  She didn't return my previous call... but she was most probably busy.  Her phone does tend to ring a lot during sessions.  Those calls go straight to voicemail.

So, humility, humility, humility.  I know about humiliation... that's for sure.  I will have to continue working on the actual "humility" portion.  A lot of these Steps are easier for me this time around.

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