Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday - February 12, 2016 - BAD IDEA TO WALK!!!

Everything "seemed" fine before I left for my meeting today... the sun was out, there was very little ice on the sidewalks, and very little wind.  MAN DID THAT CHANGE when I got out!  I don't know what the wind chill was... but I was walking face first into the wind on the return.  That was brutal!  Yeah, that'd be my luck... get sober and then ultimately die of frostbite and pneumonia!  I KNEW I should've waited for the car for the later evening meeting.  Oh well.

ANYWAY... there were only three of us at the meeting, so I did the "How it Works" preamble.  The chairperson had to do his main disclosures, announcements, etc., so the last guy offered to read the 24 hour book entries for today and the Reflection of the Day. 

As there was just us, we took a brief five minute break after the readings, on the odd chance some people were running late and might still show up... when it was obvious it was just us, we agreed not to do a full Step meeting, and focus more on the daily meditations recommended by the program. 

When I started this the first time around, I only ever did the Lord's Prayer at night along with my rendition of the AA Nightly Prayer.  I thought that was enough.  I shared that with the other two and they both said that you (they and me) really should've been doing BOTH from the get-go.  While it was a small meeting, it was still a good one.  I've said it before... those smaller ones allow for more personal interaction.

So, here's the new morning/evening meditation:

God, direct my thinking today so that it be empty of self pity, dishonesty, self-will, self-seeking and fear. God, inspire my thinking, decisions and intuitions. Help me to relax and take it easy. Free me from doubt and indecision. Guide me through this day and show me my next step. Show me what I need to do to take care of any problems. I ask all these things that I may be of maximum service to you and my fellow man.
God, forgive me where I have been resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid today. Help me to not keep anything to myself but to discuss it all openly with another person - show me where I owe an apology and help me make it. Help me to be kind and loving to all people. Use me in the mainstream of life, Free me of worry, remorse or morbid (sick) reflections that I may be of usefulness to others.
Came home to hear Grumblor on the phone speaking French.  Apparently my uncle Raymond was rushed to the hospital.  He's been in bad health recently.  One of his son's called from the hospital to say that things weren't going well.  More on this as it develops.

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