Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday - February 5, 2016 - Step 2 and a "Possible" Gig

HUGE meeting today.  There had to be at least 25 people!  I guess that happens on a Friday afternoon.

So today was Step 2:

"Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity."

Now, I've already embraced that particular Step... and I know seriously (if I truly work at it) that nothing is really that painful or insurmountable (Their word, not mine.)  My insanity and ego are totally linked and I have to give them both up.  Or something like that.  At least that's what I took out of the meeting.

So, while in the meeting, my phone went off.  It was a 630 number.  I thought it might be Janice calling to reschedule, but she's at an 847 number.  It was another temp agency asking if I'd be interested in a Proposal Writer gig with Motorola.  It sounds temporary but with potential.  I initially responded via email to the guy who contacted me and updated my information per his request.  I 'm not sure what to expect from this.  We managed to link up via the phone.  His name is Rahul... and he's a little hard to understand,  We did a quick five minute phone interview.  He would like to progress further, but I had to push him back into next week.

I know I'm not supposed to lie anymore, but I had to offer a slight fib.  I don't think all that is going on in my life should be common knowledge at the moment.  He knew through my most recent resume that I am "technically" still in Aurora.  I told him that I am helping my family out at the moment and do not at present have access or time to commit to an official interview.  We will reconvene via phone in the new week.  We shall see what will happen.  Pay would be pretty good if it actually panned out... slightly better than the OMX money I was making... but temp.  Five to six months at the beginning. 

I need to get my head around all of this.

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