Sunday, February 14, 2016

February 14, 2016 - AA, The Burgermeister and Scandal

I really wish there was another meeting tonight, as I simply CANNOT get out of this prison!!!!  Grumblor had two sons just sitting around the place and what does he do?  He makes his own wife go outside to shovel snow!!  And what happens when you actually say something??? ... you catch f-ing shit for opening your mouth!

He is now officially persona non grata in my eyes.  Much like what Michael did to Fredo!  You're dead to me!

AA today was all well and good... even with the horizontal snow...

On the plus side, I got to hear an old friend on the radio.  I just adore Robert Berger over on the CBS network.  It might be a teeny tiny bit racist, but I do so enjoy his sign off... who knew you could draw out one single word?!?

I also offered to go to Jewel(s) with the car as it was already out, but was told nothing was needed.  They're eating severely burnt garlic bread and some form of overcooked chicken and mini-farfalle.  After yesterday, I REFUSE to eat anything here ever again.  I'm still trying to get over this morning's/early afternoon's DEMAND... to MAKE ME SOME EGGS!  GFY, dude.  Simply GFY!  If I ever get the say so to return home... Stef has a new way of requesting breakfast.  LOL.

Back to the meeting, two days in a row of nothing major happening.  I guess that will make tomorrow's counseling session all that much better.  (Granted it was V-Day and the snow was falling... still... no one could come up with a viable topic?!?)  I've accepted that 3rd Step numerous times over... do we really need to fall back on that one when there is nothing to talk about?!

I will stop ranting now... I am better than this.  At least I got my big book back (try saying that three times fast)... something to read/reflect over.

(Loves ya Burgermeister!!!!) 

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