Sunday, February 7, 2016

Saturday Evening Meeting Recap

Saturday's meeting was an open one with a speaker.  It was an exceptional meeting.  Met and spoke with some very friendly people, and heard a very uplifting story.

I could relate to the portion of his story of looking into the mirror and absolutely hating what I saw there, and how I internally blamed everything else around me for being responsible, but the fact of the matter is... I still made the choice drink.  No one else did.

What was his one comment?  True courage is not the lack of fear, but to work through that fear no matter what.  (Something like that.  By the time I pulled out my little notebook to jot that down, he'd moved on to another topic.

The other take away was the part about learning to be comfortable in my own skin.  I think I'm doing a much better job of that this time around.

Couple of potential meeting options for either this morning or early afternoon.  I still haven't decided which one I want to attend.  Probably should get cleaned up first and then figure it out.

More later.

19 Least Intelligent Dog Breeds... I take issue with the Bullie entry.  My bullie was extremely smart.

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