Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesaday - February 9, 2016 - Sobriety Week in Review

Due to a drastic change in weather, I had to forego the earlier afternoon meeting I normally attend, and had to wait for a vehicle to get to the meeting.  I made it with a few moments to spare.  This normally would've been a "Sobriety Week in Review" meeting (a new one/format for me) where we'd all talk about the week we've had.

However, a guy was there tonight that had barely twelve hours of sobriety... (OR... a new word I learned today... "DRIETY")... so a vast majority of the meeting was talking to this older guy who had the shakes something fierce.  He was NOT in a good place or frame of mind.  We did a quick round robin of Step 1... but it was hard to tell how much he was taking in.   As we were leaving, I did notice that the chairperson and another gentleman celebrating 25 years stuck around to continue speaking with him.  They had time before the 8PM meeting took place, so I hope he got something out of their encouragement.

Takeaways from the meeting:
1.  Drinking stopped being fun and ultimately became troublesome.  I relate to that.  But I've moved past that and I think it shows.  It was never fun the way I was doing it, nor should it ever have been fun. 

2.  As I said earlier, I learned a new word tonight... DRIETY.  I think that and my ego were what initially prevented me from having the program stick that first time around.  I wasn't actively working the Steps during those four-ish months... sure I wasn't drinking... but I also wasn't entirely sober, either.  I was dry.  Dry and not working the Steps.  This is why things are MASSIVELY different this time around.

I am doing well in counseling.  I am actively working almost all of the 12 Steps on a daily basis... and have foregone driety for contented sobriety.  That's the word that springs to mind.  Content.  I'm not thinking solely of myself these days.  I covered the 12th Step tonight in offering my assistance and thoughts with this new person...  so something is different within me.  :-)

One day at a time.  One day at a time.

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