Monday, February 1, 2016

HUH! Bad Boys! Bad Boys! Whatcha Gonna Do?

So my father popped a cog Sunday evening.  For whatever reason Grumblor was feeling particulary feisty and decided to tell my brother that he wanted him and his girlfriend out of the house.  (By the way, he said that to her face!)  My brother obviously got angry.  Words of the four letter variety started flying.

I made the mistake of asking where the cutting board was, as I was going to make something for my mom to eat.  I didn't know it was in the dishwasher.  He mumbled something unintelligible and I could make out, "What do you need the cutting board for?"  Ummm... to cut something, I imagine?!

He got pissy about me wanting to dirty something he was in the process of cleaning.  I didn't need it right that moment.  I was more than willing to wait the ten minutes left on the dishwasher timer.  I figured... "No big deal."  Well, apparently it was a big deal.  He started ranting about who knows what and more or less kicked me out of the house as well.  My mom got in his face and she ended up leaving in her car.  That's when he got extremely extra-pissy.  He tried calling her cellphone, but accidentally dialed his sister Marcy.  I think it was her that called the fuzz, as she called while they were in the kitchen.

It was amazing at how quickly his ranting, grumbling gibberish turned into actually sentences when there were two uniformed police officers standing there.  My brother defused the situation with the police.  They asked if he and my father wanted them to put out a look-out for her car, but they declined, saying she'd be home shortly.  Which she did.

So... WTF was all that about?!  I don't know.  I asked my mother about it this morning on our ride into her work.  She's letting me use her car so I can attend my counseling session later this afternoon.  She said that he gets like that from time to time.  Like that makes it any better?! 

He's doing the traditional thing of ignoring it all... as if it never happened.  He's pretend gambling right now.  I've packed my bags regardless.  I will have to see what other options there are out there for me.

Another day in paradise.

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