Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday - February 11, 2016 - 12&12 - Step 8

The Return of Cappuccina!  Always nice when M. chairs a meeting, he brings in his chocolate lab.  It's the closest I can get to a dog at the moment and she's affectionate... not as affectionate as one pooch I know... SNARFS TO THE ESKIE!

Today was a 12 & 12 meeting.  Twelve Steps and Twelve traditions.  I was asked to read the lengthier "How It Works" document.  No biggie.  A pleasure to do it.

Step 8:
"Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all."

I am in that process with my counselor.  I'm also working that one with those around me right now.  I already mentioned that I had made amends with my brother some days ago, so that's him down.  My parents aren't making this particular Step easy for me, but I am trying my best to work on that with them.

Whether she knows it or not, I make amends with my wife Stef daily by remaining sober and going to therapy and meetings.

Part of the actual chapter reading we did made mention of the sense of being/feeling overwhelmed that undertaking this particular step may provoke.  There are quite a few people I was hoping to avoid as they probably don't want to hear from me ever again... and I was kind of hoping I could sort of lump them into Step 9... the bit about "making amends except when to do so would injure them or others"... I don't think it would injure them... it's just been so long of not communicating that I didn't want any of them to think I was trying to re-enter their lives.  Weird feeling, I guess.  Another topic to bring up with Janice, I guess. 

Question that followed today's AA Thought of the Day for this date.  I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it:

Have I found that when I keep sober, everything goes well for me?

Ah well, as Tom Baker says... I won't say that about everything...but yeah... it sort of does.  So far so good, at any rate.

Really good meeting today.  Temps outside during the walk over could've been slightly warmer, but it was a really pretty early afternoon walk to and from.   

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