Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday February 3, 2016 - Mr. Sandman... Send Me A Dream


There are 23 Dream Catchers hanging around this house.  I counted them out of sheer boredom.  Upstairs and downstairs, a total of 23 of the damn things.

Do you know what dream(s) I want caught?

1.  Light bulbs of a massively higher wattage.  I know he used to work in a coal mine... but does the house have to look like one too?  It's like living in a crypt.  The only sunlight I technically see is during my walk to and from AA meetings.

2.  Triple A (AAA) batteries.  The remotes downstairs do not work at all.  I have to steal batteries from my brother's room remote just to turn on the damn television and then return them once it's on.  It's annoying.

3.  A vegetable peeler. I was going to make them soup and asked where the vegetable peeler was.  I know they had one as I was the one who bought it some time ago.  I was told it was thrown away as they never used it.  Oh sure, throw away a useful kitchen utensil but keep rotted spoons that we haven't used since Jimmy Carter was in the White House.  (SERIOUSLY!)

My brother just left for work.  He opened the pantry looking for a package of Pop Tarts to take with him.  Imagine his surprise when there was only one package left from a box that was only purchased a day or so ago.  I know I didn't eat them as I can't stand blueberries... but I did see Grumblor with two separate plates of the things yesterday.

Weather looks better today, so no dealing with horizontal rain for my meeting. 

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