Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Februrary 23, 2016 - You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry

To quote the late (VERY!!!) great Bill Bixby from the Incredible Hulk:

"Don't make me angry... you wouldn't like me when I'm angry."  (OR... if you're a movie fan... "Don't make me hungry...")  yeah I made the same face too...

So my sponsor called me this evening and (AS I TOOK IT...) wanted to know if I had been drinking or if I were considering drinking...

No on number one.  Yes on number two. 

I didn't on numero uno, which in and of itself is a huge thing for me at any rate.  I certainly wanted to on numero dos... but I wisely chose not to.  This time around is a lot like the time I quit smoking... I just chose not to do it.

What I actually wanted was a burrito as big as my head... but I didn't have the funds... so... I opted for another meeting.

I caught some slight shit earlier for not having soup ready this evening, but then, I hadn't been to the Batavia AA church before.  I had no idea what to expect traffic-wise.. now I know.  Clearly won't happen again. 

One moment... I'm catching further shit in the kitchen... apparently I didn't do the last two <censored> dishes well enough... and how dare I have a freaking egg earlier today... yes, yes... it's all very little shit, I know... I'm supposed to just let it go.  Fair enough.  That's easily rectified by ... oh, I don't know... by never eating again.  Did it for a month... why should the rest of my life be any different?  (I would miss the aforementioned burritos, though.)

Anger issues abound.  Two <censored> meetings today and nothing to show for it to be honest.  A half-assed call from my sponsor, and I'm still nearly a week away from my next appointment with Janice... we will discuss this anger issue... but this whole sponsorship wasn't (at the moment) what I thought it would be.   

You guys and gals that comment behind the scenes... am I just wrong in letting (AS I SEE IT/PERCEIVE IT!!)... my sponsor run roughshod over my feelings?   Do my feelings even matter?   Why am I so angry all of a sudden?  Why am I being called on the carpet for it?!?  Does what I even think about it even <censored> matter?

No ideas here.  Any tips?

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