Tuesday, February 16, 2016

"STUFF" that doesn't work... another rant... sorry.

List O' Things That Do Not Work Here In Hell:

  1. Downstairs bathroom.  Neither the toilet or shower can be used whatsoever.
  2. Upstairs bathroom.  Toilet to be used tentatively at best.  Shower more or less forbidden, as Grumblor refuses to spend money to repair.  My brother has already started using his girlfriend's shower.  We've been reduced to using that mini-toilet in the bedroom annex.
  3. Kitchen sink.  DO NOT EVER move the spigot as it will start a flood.  (While you're at it... don't use the disposal either.) 
  4. The kitchen stove.  None of the heaters work without using a match.  (Laura Ingalls had a better stove than this place.)
  5. Vegetable peeler... who needs one?
  6. A functional blender.  (Tried making a cream soup tonight... only to have everything completely spill out over/under/through the sides...)
There's more.  I just don't have the time or the wherewithal to continue... because I was just called a mother <censored> by Grumblor.  My crime?  Asking if there was anything in this house that actually works.

Tonight's evening meeting is in Polish... I'm half tempted to attend just to get out of here for an hour.  It's not 'that' much different than Ukrainian... how bad can it be?

My wife just texted me the "ingredients" in ZZZQuil... her discovery explains a lot.  Will stop using that tonight.  I am thiiiiissss close to one month sincerely clean... but they are not making this any easier... But then... I am apparently a mother <censored>... what do I know?!

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